Thursday, May 30, 2013


How is it possible that we have a 5 year old in the house?! Keldan turned 5 today :) He has been counting down the days! 

Just for my reference since I'm no good at the baby books... :)

*44 lbs (Down to 75% for weight)
*44 1/2 inches long (90% for height)
*Size mediums in big boys (I think it's like 5/6) and some larges (7/8s).
*Size 11 1/2 shoes
*Rarely takes a nap, I try to make him once a week during school but for the most part it might be once a month. We just do an hour of quiet time (either sit and watch a movie or play on the I pad) every day and that seems to help.
*Becoming quite the eater! He seems to go through a growth spurt every 2-3 weeks (gets about a week off) and boy does he eat through through those weeks!!
*Drinks from a cup, uses his straw cup when were out and about.
*Knows his ABC's, lower and upper, and knows the sounds they make.
*Knows and can write his name.
*Learning his address.
*Learning to spell some words.
*Knows his numbers by looking and can count to 21.
*Knows all of his colors and if they are light or dark shades.
*Knows the days of the week and months.
*Knows his birthdate.
*Loves legos/blocks (he can follow some of the instructions for legos and put them together by himself!) or anything you can use to build, and anything that has to do with art!! Loves to do art projects or just sit and color for hours! 
*Really getting into playing football and baseball with Daddy.
*Starting to do simple chores around the house (which is tremendous help to this Mama!!)
*Loves to help me cook or bake.
*Starting to really enjoy playing in the dirt and sand.
*Loves to sing and dance. I think he's going to be quite the hip hop dancer some day :)
*Loves superheroes, ninja turtles, cars, trucks, farm, trains, dress up/pretend play, and reading books.
*Enjoys playing games.
*Loves to play with his cousins or friends and to make new friends at the park.
*LOVES his brother and sister!! He is such an awesome big brother!! He loves to teach them things and help them if they need it. Very protective of them!! If I correct one of them it's not unusual to hear him say be nice to my brother/sister or if playing with other kids and someone takes something from them he will say be nice to my brother/sister :)
*Loves going to school!! Only heard a couple of times this past year I don't really want to go but then that moment would pass and he would be fine. I'd say that's a good start that he loves going :)

...all I can think of right now....

He is a HUGE blessing to this family!! For the most part he has this laid back love to be around personality (had a few rough patches last couple months with him but it seems to be going away). He has the handsomest smile :) He is extremely respectable with adults I feel for his age, he listens and does what he's told. Huge helper!! Loves to help me around the house. Not as quiet as he was before school (talks a lot more) but still has his quiet moments.

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