Thursday, August 9, 2012

Eleven Months

Mikaela Rayne is 11 months old. Not sure how that's possible...

*19 weird to see that at 11 months, I'm use to big boys.
*30ish inches long
*Size 9 mths & 12 mth clothes
*Only taking a bedtime bottle (only 2 oz of formula!), LOVES her food!
*Taking one afternoon nap, sleeping all night...for the most part ;)
*Still no teeth, I can't believe it! Both bottoms are cut but they just don't want to come through. 
*This month she has been getting more and more brave by doing more steps :)
*Has added uh-oh, hello (while holding a phone to her ear) to her vocabulary. She's a little slower in this department, would much rather scream or baby babble.
*Drinking from a big girl sippy cup! Has to keep up with her brothers.
*Wants to be where her brothers are. Starting to hear a lot of "mama get her out of here" :)
*Walks with Keldan. He takes her hands and they walk around the house. She loves this!
*Loves to walk with anything that moves, thinks she's big stuff!
*Starting to play pretend. Reading a book & on the phone are her top 2 favorites.
*Loves to play with cars, can do the vroom sound extremely well (almost better than her brothers!)
*Into the singing and dancing as well. Favorite game is peekaboo! Loves to play it. She will hide behind something and stick her head out and yell at you. It's so cute.
*So stinkin ornery!! She even snorts when she gets really happy. So funny.
*Gives open mouth kisses & high fives.
*Enjoys being outside in the pool or swinging.
About all I can think of at the moment. Just growing & trying to keep up with her brothers :)

Love her smile! Cant get her mouth any wider ;)


Auntie S said...

she just keeps getting prettier and prettier! And playing pretend!!!??? Man, this year is flying by!

auntie d said...

I love the picture with the boots! Too cute! :) She IS very pretty! Just like her momma! :) And yes- how can they be almost a year old already?

Angie said...

Thanks girlies!! I know, where did the time go?!