Monday, August 13, 2012


Some random pictures I took awhile ago....

Finally able to get a barrette in her hair but she keeps pulling it out :(

Tent time!

Some good ole t-ball with the cousins

Climbing the tree at Gramps & Grammies:

Not the safest thing for them to be doing but after Keldan jumped off the one play things into the pool they decided it was fun....

Making "Monster Hats":

Such silly boys!

During one of our walks, she fell asleep like this and I tried to catch a picture of her and she woke up when I clicked the camera. Silly little girl! 

Boys in their pjs, they would live in them if I left them :)

Just chillin

Keldan & Kalea enjoying a pony ride :)

Lucas & Allie going on one too.

Learning how to throw a football with Daddy :)

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