Monday, January 6, 2014

Our 2013

 This was very hard but I narrowed down to just a few pictures to share from each month for last year :) It was an awesome amazing year (although praying for a healthier 2014) creating memories with our family of 5 (7 including our puppies) :) God is AWESOME!!!!! Can't wait to see what he has in store for us through 2014!! 

OUR 2013
January 2013:
Played in the snow, preschool field trips, Keldan's first trip to Dentist, and welcomed a new cousin (Braedan) into the family.

February 2013:
Keldan's class valentine's party, new furniture, new color on the walls in the TV room, shopping trip in Columbus, new gas line, and celebrated Meemaw's birthday

Meemaw's Birthday

March 2013:
Walks, Daddy's birthday, and celebrated Easter

Daddy's Birthday

 April 2013:
Playground, walks, Mama's birthday, first sprinkler fun, kids first time "mowing", Easter egg coloring, outside playing, hail storm, playing in mud, and welcomed new cousin Colson into the family.
Mama's Birthday

 May 2013:
Big trucks at preschool, last day of school, Keldan's fifth birthday and Batman birthday party, Lucas went to see a heart doctor (normal murmur), playing with friends, 
Keldan's 5th Birthday (Batman party)

 June 2013:
Had our first professional family pictures taken (by JennaLauren Photography), Keldan learned to ride his bike, pool time, walks, watch football stadium field be redone, playground, trips to Softes, help planted Papa's garden, celebrated cousins Alex and Kalea's birthdays, help paint Meemaw and Papa's house, I (mama) got my long hair chopped off.

July 2013:
Ham cousin photoshoot, celebrated Grammie's birthday, went on an alphabet scavenger hunt, our first family vacation to Kalahari Waterpark Resort, butterfly exhibit, night swimming with glow sticks, met cousins (not actually related ;) ) Noah and Ezra for the first time, fed the ducks at the park
Nine Ham Cousins

Grammie's Birthday

August 2013:
Celebrated Gramps' and cousin Allie's birthdays, local water park with Mama's cousins, was there when Brady officially became a Hamsher :) , got to see and ride in Papa's big truck (where he works), repainted the outside windows

Gramps' Birthday
 September 2013:
First day of preschool for Keldan and Lucas at St. John's Pre-K, celebrated Mikaela's 2nd birthday and Minnie Mouse birthday party, celebrated cousin Michael's birthday, Mikaela went to a tummy dr, Mama and Daddy went to an Ohio State game, preschool field trip to the farm, rode some rides at the Sugarcreek Festival, 

Mikaela's 2nd Birthday (Minnie Mouse party)

October 2013:
Celebrated Papa's birthday, photoshoot of Lucas and Keldan- superman/batman at the local park, Lucas went to see his ENT about ear tubes, Lucas' first trip to Chuckee Cheese, Boy's class fall parties

Papa's Birthday

November 2013:
Hamsher Family Pictures at the Norma Johnson Center in the snow, live nativity parade, first snow of the winter, Mikaela's first hair cut, put our Christmas tree up, traded in our trail blazer for a new family car- Denali, Mama got her christmas gift a little early- DSLR camera, Thanksgiving meal at Meemaw and Papa's church, 

December 2013:
Family Pictures with Meemaw & Papa at Carlisle Inn, Kandel's Thanksmas, played in the snow at the Norma Johnson Center, first Live Nativity, kids went to Meemaw's work party, Lucas had his third surgery- ear tubes placed in both ears, played in the snow for the first time this winter, Christmas get togethers with family, Lucas' 4th birthday and superman party.

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