Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 Months!

Mikaela turned 2 months on Sunday. Here's her update (mainly for my reference):

*10.9lbs (50 percentile)
*23 in long (75 percentile)
*Size 1 diapers
*Size 0-3 month, 3 month, and some 3-6 month clothes
*Rolling belly to back. Usually her tummy time consists of 2 seconds on belly and then she rolls over. Still not a fan of tummy time.
*Tries to roll belly to back but can't quite get her arm out of the way yet.
*Holding her head very well. Loves to sit in the bumbo seat already and watch her brothers play or the dogs.
*She just loves to take in everything around her. Very nosey little girl :)
*Cooing and smiling away! Every morning I get greeted by the biggest grin, perfect way to start the day! Melts my heart, every time I talk to her she just smiles.
*Tries to grab toys, can hold onto them if you put them in her hand.
*Sleeping is still not her best friend. Only have about 1 good night a week, and by good I mean goes about 3 or so hours with out fussing. Its usually 45 min at the longest and I have to soothe her again. I have begun letting her cry some, she is VERY colicky so sometimes calming down is not an option so the crying helps tire her out and then she can sleep. She's had a rough first 2 months, but starting to see some light!
*Changed from Zantac to Prevacid for reflux and scheduled a swallowing study. Test was done at Akron Childrens Hospital last week. They watched the way she eats. God is just so amazing, just all the little details that our body does to get through the day is unbelievable! They gave us a paper that explained what was going on, I won't go into all the details but she was having a couple episodes while eating where the formula was "going down the wrong tube". Wasn't enough where she was diagnosed with it, but enough that she was not going to rule it out. So we made a couple changes with her bottle (no more rice in them & back to slow flow nipples). Give that a couple weeks and see how she does. First couple days she was still choking, but since that has all gone away and no more projectile spitting up! Think the medicine was not helping because it just kept coming up and irritating it. Poor thing! She still spits up with each bottle, but just a small amount and not at all fussy with it. Still gets tummy aches, some evenings are worse than others (her worse time) but I feel she is a lot more comfortable now. Things seem a little more colicky now so I discussed it with her doctor and she felt like it was too. Shes growing and doing what she should be so it's not interrupting her learning/growing time at all. Her doctor also feels her sleeping will get better when her body realizes she is no longer in pain and doesn't need to wake up for it. Whenever I feel ready I can try weaning her off the meds and if no better just start them back up again.
*Just a perfect little angel (other than the colicky episodes). The boys are loving her coos and when she smiles at them. They love to share their toys with her and tell her what they are doing, so cute! I love how they are interacting with her already...sometimes gives me a few grey hairs when Lucas doesn't realize she's not his brother and you can't tackle her but I couldn't imagine life any different!

Enough about what shes doing, onto some beautiful pictures of her :)


MEEMAW said...

only one word for mikaela BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! I Love You baby girl =)

Auntie D said...

She is so pretty!!! Allie loved her dress! Glad things are turning the corner and she's feeling better! She looks so big!!!!!!!!! Love the cute pictures!!!!

Stacy said...

She is changing so much!!! So pretty :-)

danielle said...

I love the first picture. She looks so alert and her expression is so cute! :)