Monday, November 28, 2011

Boy have I been slacking! and its definitely not from the lack of pictures :) Just been a bit of a rough month and not much time for blogging. Going to try get caught up with them. Some pictures of whats been going on (the pictures go from newest ones takin to older ones).

How cute is she in that hat?!

The oats container was his camera and he was taking pictures of Minnie...wonder where he gets that from ;)

Keldan pushing Lucas around in the container. Keldan was in it and Lucas pushin it, but they were not moving too good ;)
Mama and her boys :) I love them beyond words!
Building a tower, he's getting so good at this. Has some dimension to them, not just straight ones.
wearing Daddy's hat and shoes, he loves to do this.
The boys love to sit in her Mikaela's seat. Too silly.

Some (maybe too much) brotherly love ;)

Mikaela smiling at Lucas, she loves her brothers. She's been talking and smiling to them and they think it's the greatest!
Thought this was kind of cute of Keldan and Gramps
Cousins Jason & April holding Mikaela for the first time.

Love this picture of Gramps (great gpa) and Mikaela.
At Cousin Allie's house, they were throwing these (paper circles) up in the air yelling happy birthday. They are too funny!

Lunch date with Meemaw at Chips (aka El San Jose). Our favorite place to eat.

Keldan thought he needed to look at a menu to decide what he wanted to eat. He looks a little then says cheese :) Such a stinker. That's usually all he eats there, cheese and chips.

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