Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Our First Week

Only was a week and I took over 600 (maybe 700) pictures. They're not all of Mikaela, have a lot of the boys too. Can't wait to have some free time to edit them. I will share some (ok maybe a lot) of them ;) The boys love her, they are handling the new baby very well. They fight over who gets to hold her, so cute.


Keldan gets so proud of himself when he holds her.

with Gramps

Helping Daddy play guitar.

Lucas & Jasmine lookin out the window.

Mikaela's first bath. Can you tell how much she loved it...

Lucas layin with Jasmine

He likes to sit in baby Mikaela's seat

Not too bad of a picture of the three.

Lucas loves to rub his cheek against the side of her head. So cute!

Wearing Daddy's sweatshirt

Helping Grammie change her diaper


with Aunt Annette

with Aunt Deb

Me and my kidderoos :)

Daddy caught mama catchin some zzz's

Playin with Daddy

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