Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cloth Diapers

I always said I would never cloth diaper. The thought of it just grossed me out. Well guess what...I'm a cloth diaper lover! My sis-in-law had some extras and talked me into borrowing them to try them. Which I was thankful for because I was still hesitant and the thought of spending all that money for me not to like them or my babes sensitive behinds not liking them. They actually turned out not so bad. It is kind of costly upfront to purchase everything to get started, but it equaled to about 3 months of disposables so I'd say its WELL worth it. I decided to only using them on Lucas, hoping Keldan will want to be potty trained soon.

I bought some Bumgenius 4.0s, Fuzzibunz, and Rumparooz (20 altogether). They are the one size pocket (newborn-potty train) diapers. I only purchased one rumparooz because they are bit more pricey, but it is actually my favorite. I like the new bumgenius ones just as well and they were cheaper so I will probably stick with them. I only need one insert in them for 3 hrs and they fit my marshmallow thighed boy perfect. The fuzzibunz are not bad, they are less bulky but I'm not a big fan of how they fit him. With those I would have to use 2 inserts for 3 hrs, but for now I just use 1 and change him about every hr and half-2 hrs. I think I will like them more with a smaller baby.

I am definitely sticking with it easier because I have a sprayer! It attaches to your toilet then you can spray the deposit off and flush it then throw them in the washer. Not as painful as I imagined.

He still wears a disposable during the night, not ready to try them since he wears them 12+ hrs, afraid of leaking and being up in the middle night to change everything.

I also purchased a wet bag for when we are not at home. Definitely worth it too.
So yes, I love cloth diapers and love the new Bumgenius 4.0s one size pockets. So excited to get more and LOVE saving money...or to spend it on better things for the boys :)

Here are the bumgenius ones. Don't have many pictures of Lucas in them yet since its colder and he has to stay dressed. Sure there will be lots this summer :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

LOVE IT!!! So glad they are working out for you!