Friday, August 15, 2008

Quick Update

Thanks for the prayers! He had his 2 mth check up on Tues. Teething, reflux, and colicky is to blame. She would like me to start adding the rice cereal to his bottle. This makes the formula thicker, which makes it less likely to come back up into the esophogus. It also limits the overfeeding. I'm to try this before she prescribes an antacid. He now weighs 11.15 and is 24 in long. I can't believe how much he has grown. What a trooper, he received 4 shots and just let out a couple screams!


Stacy said...

what a brave little guy. I am glad you at least know what is causing him to be uncomfortable. I am praying that the rice helps. I can't believe he is over 2 months already!!!!

Continuing to pray for you guys!

Ham Fam said...

wow! two month check up! such a quick amount of time. i can't believe that its been that long already! i'm excited for Keldan and Allie to meet. :)

Anonymous said...

Cousin Keldan,
Shots are no fun. I got one already too. Good thing mommy and daddy weren't around while they did it, I don't think they could take it. Mom about had a fit when they used the bulb syringe on my nose a couple times. :) I hope you aren't sore from your shots. I can't wait to meet you!!!
Love you,