Monday, February 16, 2015

Lucas is Five

Happy 5th Birthday Lucas! How is this little ornery handsome little guy 5 already?! Just a few things about what he's up to. (I can't remember everything.)

*43lbs & 43 inches
*Loving preschool and doing an awesome job!
*Can write his name, recognizing numbers, can count to 20, knows his A,B,Cs, knows his shapes, colors, learning to add (gotta keep up with brother ;) )
*Loves Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leo is his favorite (although he has the same personality as Mikey).
*Also enjoys Paw Patrol (Chase), Transformers/Autobots (Bumblebee), Jake & the Pirates, Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo, any of the Legos
*Favorite movie is Frozen, he loves Olaf!
*Favorite color is blue & green.
*Likes to wear jeans and polos or button up shirts.
*Such an imagination! He can take something so simple and create into something fun. 
*Always making us laugh.
*Definitely has a wild personality.
*Tubes are still in but are getting ready fall out. At his year check up in December they were still doing their job!
*Is so independent. 
*All boy with him, keeps us hopping.
Even though he has for sure made my hair turn a shade I prefer not to and my stress level higher than should be I wouldn't trade his ornery, doesn't think before he leaps, crazy, wild, loving self any day!! We love you Lucas to the moon and back!! <3 Those are the major points of what he is up to. Lot more just can't think of everything right now..

Just born

5 Years old

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