Monday, June 16, 2014

Keldan is SIX!

Crazy that Keldan turned 6 almost 2 weeks ago!! Where have those years went?! Still feels like yesterday we were off to the hospital to be induced.

*48lbs and 47.8 inches (almost 4 feet!!)
*Size 8/10 clothes. Size 13-1 shoes.
*Finished up his last year of preschool & is registered to start kindergarten in the fall.
*Have a feeling he is going to be artistic! One of his favorite things is either drawing or building something.
*Loves the outdoors and water, and loves to swing.
*Favorite shows right now are Octonauts, Paw Patrol, Bubble Guppies, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
*Favorite Movie is Batman legos.
*Favorite color is still red (I think this has been his only favorite color)
*He loves to dress up in his favorite super hero (or ninja turtle) and go fight the bad guys.
*He has become such a huge helper around the house!! If I need him he is there <3
*If he's not going through another big growth spurt or a weird stage he seems to be laid back, very caring, if it's not something that really interests him he doesn't care, loves his brother and sister (most of the time ;)).
*Counted to 100. Knows all his letters. Knows how to spell the colors. Knows single digit numbers when looking but still working on the double ones...doesn't interest him, he doesn't care!
*Loves to be read to. and loves to read to himself by looking at the pictures (Lucas and Mikaela love to listen to him!).
*Loves watching big tractors and machines.
*Favorite animal that you are likely to see by him is his Mickey.
*For the most part know's how to spell his last name.

As it's been crazy around here that's about all I can think of at the moment ;) Onto some pictures...

Birthday boy at his Octonaut's party.

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