Monday, March 10, 2014

Parent Teacher Conference

We recently had parent teacher conference for Keldan at the preschool. Got a very good report, but lets face it we didn't expect anything less ;) So proud of our big boy and how far he has come. Just two places we should maybe work a little more with him on, but nothing major and we are only to do it with something fun that's going on around us. No flash cards, she emphasized on that. He needs a little more work on recognizing 7-10 when seeing (which at home 10 is usually the only one he doesn't know). His speech when he gets excited is a little unclear which we were aware of and have been working on already. His teacher told us though they are not major concerns and she said he is more than ready to go to kindergarten. She said he is very mature and such a sweetheart. Going to really miss him :( was written at the bottom of our report. Makes you feel good, especially when you feel sometimes you are failing as a parent, must be doing something right :) He is scheduled for kindergarten screening on March 12th. How can it be time for this already?! Please say a prayer for us on Wednesday :) I think more for me than him ha ;)

Big boy at the conference.

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