Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Fun

So this years Christmas countdown fun did not go as planned. We spent most of the month so far under the weather. Here's some pictures of a few things we did get accomplished...we did a few things too that I didn't get pictures of. There are also 2 more things we are going to do will be on a different post :)

We watched Monsters Inc and Monsters University then made some monsters...
Hippo left us a note ;)

Making a snowman craft...

Only cookies we baked...I had plans to make a bunch and have kids give to people, but I didn't figure they would appreciate the extra ingredients (germs) in them so we made choc chip cookies and ate them ourselves ;)

We did our annual Christmas light seeing...(we took some popcorn along too!)
Enjoying the lights

Mikaela really got into it this year!!

The only picture I took of the lights. Saw some pretty cool ones!!

Then when we got home we made a Christmas Lights craft...

even Mikaela is getting into the craft making :)



Not too bad, she did this completely on her own.
After making that picture Lucas decided to do handprints. He made 2 pictures for his teachers :)

Keldan thought it looked fun and made 2 pictures for his teachers too :)

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