Monday, November 25, 2013

Early Christmas Gift

The hubby gave me my Christmas gift a little early...a Cannon Rebel T3i (a DSLR camera) :) I am beyond excited and happy!! I absolutely love taking pictures if you haven't noticed. I've only had it a few days but trying to teach myself to use it through trial and error and helpful pins on pinterest. It is very overwhelming looking at all the buttons it has but I think I've made a little dent in them... There's also a TON of lens'...also overwhelming. I am just using the standard lens that came with it. They say its the best one for beginners. Below are some pictures I've taken so far on the more basic settings. Still learning the more "free" settings that you can change a million different settings that will make the pictures more better :) I really want to learn what all it can do even if I will only use two of them (I'm reading that's only what most photographers use) just so I know what it can offer. Slowly I would love to work my way into the photography business...very slowly that is. I want to make sure I'm comfortable with the camera first :) Definitely learning that lighting can drastically change and ruin a picture!

Not to bad for taking them on creative and portrait settings (better than auto but still more basic settings), can't imagine what they will look like when I figure the better settings out!... (none of these are edited by the way)

I love these of Josie..

1 comment:

danielle said...

awesome! I love the ones of josie! there is so much to learn it is overwhelming!!!! great job so far!!!