I'm pretty sure I could drive to Akron Children's Hospital in my sleep....After just knowing that something was not right with Mikaela I scheduled an appointment with a tummy Dr. As soon as I told him all her symptoms he right away said this all sounds like a gluten sensitivity. Her symptoms were irritability (huge one!), tummy aches, not sleeping, throwing up almost every day (we might get a day or two without anything coming up), overall not a happy little girl. He right away had blood drawn and that came back negative (not going to lie was a little disappointed at first because I felt like oh this is it). Next on the list was an upper GI to make sure nothing was wrong in the esophagus or intestines and that also came back completely fine. After talking to my sister-in-law and researching online I had found that its not uncommon to get false results for the gluten sensitivity.
When I got the results about the GI, the nurse asked if I wanted to try anything else, I told her I still really feel its a food sensitivity and she said that if that's what I feel I should try it and to let them know if something does help and to call if I have any questions about the special diets or want her to be seen again. So thankful that gluten free is a huge thing right now, can find lots of already made options (gf flour is outrageous!!). I also switched her milk from regular to almond milk. One week of being on the diet she was no longer grouchy or throwing up!! Wahoo!! Two weeks and still the same! We are going on 3 weeks with throw up free!! Aaahh!! I can't tell you how happy I am :) She has couple times had something gluten for a meal (didn't have much else choice) and the rest of the day and night she got so irritable and didn't sleep good, so I really believe it is a gluten sensitivity!! She is just sooo much happier and so much easier to deal with. So instead of the crabby little dramatic ornery girl, she is now our dramatic ornery girl and I wouldn't want her any other way!!!! Oh and she has been sleeping through the night for 3 weeks :) That didn't happen very often in her first 2 years of life.
Some of her food is "Kaela's special mac n cheese" (as Keldan calls it)- gf pasta, almond milk, and cheese (still doing cheese with her and it seems to agree), she loves her mac n cheese, eats it a lot quicker than the reg! GF fishies (they now make them in several flavors). Greek yogurt (she loves!). fruit, veggies, Peanut butter corn tortillas (so far the only way she will eat the tortillas). eggs, apple cinnamon chex or GF rice krispies. GF chicken nuggets (would like to make these more homemade because of the added ingredients but this is cheaper for now)- GF bisquick mix, egg mix with almond milk, coat the chicken and fry. GF pretzels and gingerbread spice cookies she has tried and liked (cookies are a special occasion ;) ). GF aired popcorn. GF tortilla chips (found them at Walmart-mexican isle and Buehlers-chip isle, they are really good!). Marshmallows and gummies. Will continue to do more, this is just a good start for us :) Have found lots of recipes that I want to try soon :)
Looking at the fishies before getting her blood drawn. She was such a trooper, I think she cried more for the bandaid (she does not like them) than she did for the stick! |
Before her upper GI..Poor thing cried the whole time :( |
Angie I'm so impressed! So glad you followed your mommy intuition and figured out what helps her out!
Way to go! so glad you figured something out and she is doing great with it! :)
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