Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pirate Adventure

We did a Pirate adventure one afternoon with the kids. It was a scavenger hunt to find something that starts with every letter of the alphabet. Not sure if Joe and I had more fun or the kids ;) It took over 2 hours..of course we drove places too to find some :) It was raining so some of the things they were not able to stand with.

Our pirates are ready!!

Keldan and Lucas both yelled what they found so I took a picture of both :)

Filled the car up with gas for our getaway vacation (post on that later!)

Lucas found his L at walmart, he has a leap pad at home too :)

We had watched a movie here the week before :)


Auntie S said...

what a GREAT idea!!! did you have it planned out what you would find (when you went driving)? Super smart and fun!

Angie said...

We knew the gas one and had planned to go to walmart too but that was it. Probably why it took 2 hours too ;) The kids would say oh this starts with this letter so that's what it was.