Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Apparently Lucas wanted to be like his cousin Alex...and can not make it much more than two years without surgery! In a week he's getting his tonsils & adenoids taken out, poor guy! 

After moving him to a big boy bed, I found out how much tossing and turning he does during the night, then after sleeping in the same bed as him (when we went to zoo) I realized he was having some sleeping problems. He snored extremely loud (not sure how the monitor didn't pick this up but I guess with the sound machine I must just not been able to hear it), and would also quit breathing for a little then like gasps and then starts breathing again...I know SCARY!! He also has always choked on food, thought maybe that was just Lucas but its been getting worse. Irritability is becoming a HUGE issue as well. After experiencing the sleep apnea several nights and nap times, when I took Mikaela in for her one year check up the Dr. gave him a quick check up too. She hadn't even examined him yet but based on what I was saying she right away said I am referring him to ENT doctor. After examining she found his nose was swollen and couldn't even see his one ear drum because of the wax (she always had to clean wax out at check ups for him), I think it was worse this time because of all the water from the pool & ocean getting in. Tonsils are closer to normal but may be slightly enlarged.

Week later he was seen by Akron Children's ENTs. Agreed his tonsils were not overly sized. An x-ray confirmed that his adenoids though were really swollen (dr said very large size). I really like the doctor, he even showed Lucas his x-ray (he thought this was pretty cool) and explained what was going on. The tube is completely pinched because of the adenoids. Even though his tonsils are not completely bad, they are going to remove them as well because of the sleep apnea. He said most cases if they don't then the kid is back in the near future to have them removed as well so it's best to do it all at once while they are in there. 

Surgery is at 11:30 we have to be up at Akron Children's at 9:30...going to be a LONG morning since he can't eat :/ We will stay that night and as long as he is taking in plenty of liquids will be able to go home the following morning.

Now my insomnia is back...I CAN NOT wait for my ornery happy little Lucas to be back but am dreading him having surgery!

Hard to see but he was taking pictures with my phone of the fishies. He was in love with them!! 

He got 4 stickers & a little frog for being such a big boy :)

1 comment:

Auntie S said...

It will be a rough week or so, but so so worth it! Alex sleeps so well now, and is a totally different kid! Lucas will do great, just give him chocolate milk ;-) (that was the only thing we could get Alex to drink!)