Monday, July 16, 2012


10 days ago our baby girl turned 10 months, so hard to believe!

*almost 19 lbs (25%)
*29.5 inches long (75%)
*6-9 month & 12 month clothes. 
*Size 2 diapers
*Still takes a long afternoon nap then a short evening one. Sleeps all night :)
*Still no teeth but there is a cut on the bottom so shouldn't be too long I hope!
*She took a couple steps the one day but I haven't been able to get her to do it anymore. If she's standing at a table she can completely turn around and move over to the chair. Can walk with the movable objects (like the boys big cars or the highchair)
*Can stand up & sit down really good. 
*So stinkin ornery! She loves to get us laughing at her, which is hard not to do sometimes :)
*Starting to annoy her brothers, which is a good thing, payback for them annoying her so bad!
*She is becoming a huge daddy's girl! I love it!
*Definitely has the drama/tantrums down. If we told her no at 9 months she would already smack flat on her belly and put her head on the floor screaming :( I think were in for a ride with her. 
*Loves to test us, but is definitely learning the word no.
*Loves to sing & dance! Loves the pool. She will be in her kiddie pool just as long as the boys are in theirs (which is usually over an hour!)

Love this little girl!

Her favorite position to sit!! A cheerleader already :)

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