Monday, April 9, 2012

True Meaning of Easter

Here's our Easter Story in review :) Was such a fun way to explain the story to them. The last few days we were not able to get to them though but finished them up today. They still remembered most of the story which made me proud :) 

Jesus rode to Jerusalem on a DONKEY.
Mary poured PERFUME on Jesus' feet.
The Last Supper (CRACKERS).
Judas betrays Jesus (SILVER MONEY).
Jesus carries his CROSS to the site of the crucifixion.
Jesus crowned (THORNS) king of the Jews.
Soldiers divide up his clothes (DICE).
Jesus was NAILed to the cross.
They give Jesus a SPONGE soaked in vinegar to drink.
Jesus' body is prepared for burial (SPICES).
They covered Jesus ' tomb with a great STONE.
The tomb was EMPTY, Jesus had risen!!!

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