Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy 3 Months

My baby turned 3 months yesterday...hard to believe! So much has changed this month, for the better :) Just a run down of her three month milestone:

*12 lbs 23 3/4 inches (done by holding her on scales & measurement myself so not sure how accurate ;) )
*only couple 0-3 months clothes that still fit, mainly 3 and 3-6 months
*size 1 diapers
*rolling back to belly now
*found her hands and loves them
*eating 5 oz every 3 hours, two nights before she turned 3 months she began sleeping all night which is 9:30 to 8:30
*Naps vary, sometimes bunch of catnaps other times she'll sleep couple hours at a time.
*Baby cooing like crazy, think I've started to hear a little laugh :) One of my favorite things about a baby. I could just sit and listen to her all day! Has the softest voice, although she can get pretty loud and you can't hear the tv ;)
*Lots and lots of smiles!
*Starting to sit up from laying flat...I told her she's too little for this, but she's not really listening to me ;)
*Loves to be up and in the action. I think shes plotting how she can get her brothers back from all the "love" they give her ;)
*Starting to get a little attached to her mama...which she isn't complaining ;)

And the big story for the month:  Going to make a somewhat of a long story (back and forth) short :) She was on prevacid for acid reflux, and when I got her perscription refilled it was on manufacture backorder (this way at all pharmacies). After a long almost 2 hours with mine & other pharmacies I was furious! This is just one of those times that I shouldn't have freaked out and known that God was there. After 2 nights of not having it she only woke up once...this has never happened since she's been born. Barely an hour would go past and she was letting me know she was here. Each day has been better, she is completely different! So all along the medicine had to of been disagreeing. She has now went 3 nights without waking up at all. Been able to lay her down and talk to her, still very hard for me to get used to this, but I'm loving it. I know it's been rough for the boys because they haven't had much of their mama for the past couple months. It would seriously take all my energy just to make her happy for 5 minutes. Not anymore!! She will just lay back and go to sleep sometimes on her own, just so calm and relaxed now. At first I thought somebody switched my baby. Just crazy that the miserable past couple months was caused my a pill that I thought was keeping her from getting worse. And if the pharmacy wouldn't have been out of it, she would still be getting it.

Look at that big grin!

1 comment:

Meemaw said...

HAPPY 3 MTHS MIKAELA!!!!!!! you are Beautiful, Meemaw loves you =)