Friday, February 11, 2011


So I've been lacking on my be honest I haven't taken pictures in so long I'm not even sure where my camera is. So no pictures to share for this post but I will update you on our life over the past month.

Most people know by now that we are expecting hambaby #3. Due to some things we were not sure of a due date so my doctor scheduled an ultrasound. Not knowing how far along I was they wanted to see if they could get an estimated guess from it and go from there. So at the apt all we could see was the fluid pouch because I was only 5 weeks, baby was still too small to see. So he scheduled another one 3 weeks later to look again. This time there was a baby...well all I could see was a funny looking circle but there was a heartbeat :) Love hearing that! It was 178 beats per minute. Thats when it became more real to me that we are becoming a family of 5 :) Our expected due date is Sept 10th. Now I know babies don't usually come on that date, its when they want to, but that date is our anniversary so its kind of funny.
When we found out that we were pregnant we told the boys that mama has a baby in her belly and that they will have a baby brother or sister. Right away Keldan was excited and from that moment on its always a baby sister (he did this all on his own I promise!). I will even tell him well it could be another brother and he tells me (serious face) no baby sister. He loves to kiss my belly or tickle "the baby". If you ask him where the baby is he says baby sister in mama.
So I have had terrible morning sickness & extremely tired. Much worse than what it was with boys. Even though the scales have went down a lot, my body does not realize it. I already had to drag out the hair tie for my normal jeans and my hip bones have almost disappeared..not sure if I'm ready for this at only 9 weeks. Everyone tells me these signs are for a girl so heres to hoping!! And don't get me wrong, if its a boy I will love him all the same, I would just really like to have my little girl :)
Now at almost 10 weeks my sickness is subsiding. Still really bad late evening and through the night. I am able to eat during the day for the most part only running to the bathroom occasionally. Drinking still not the greatest but I am getting there. 8:45-9 has become my bedtime and I need my daily nap, but I'm not falling asleep during the day as much. So thats it for the new addition to our family at this time.

I have also joined a womens bible study. We are doing David by Beth Moore. Talk about awesome!! If you ever have a chance to do one of her studies I highly encourage you too. We are only on week 3 but I am so excited to see what God is doing for me. My good friend asked me if I wanted to do it with her (was at a church that neither of us attend and we really didn't know anyone). So glad she asked me! It is so good. Such different age differences but it is so cool to see the different sides to things. I am finding out some of the women work with family and some of them I know relatives to them. I'm looking forward to the weeks to follow and as we get deeper into our study.

Joes not up to a whole lot right now. Just working, playing with the boys and helping his sick pregnant wife. I'm so thankful to have him. I was in such a routine with things for so long and since the morning sickness started, I've REALLY slacked on things. He has been so patient didn't do laundry, dishes or pick up toys in awhile and he doesn't get upset about it. Has been helping me out a lot! I love him so much!! He also started playing guitar for the boys again. They love it.

Update on Keldan:
Oh my this boy...he can be so laid back and go with the flow, you turn your back for a second and he is the complete opposite. Learning is definitely not the top of "his" to do list. He would much rather be playing. Talking up a storm. Will tell you about his day & what he did. LOVES his brother "baby". Will not call him Lucas, although I have heard him lately yell Lucas when he takes his toy. And yes Lucas answers to baby, so funny. He has looked like a little boy for quite awhile now but is looking like an older little boy now. He is so tall. I haven't measured him in awhile, but clothes are getting shorter. Hes in 4T or small in boys shirts, size 9 (i think) shoes, almost in to size 4T jeans (they fall off him but its better than having highwaters), size 5 in pjs (not that hes really chubby he is so solid that smllr sizes are too tight). We actually were able to go back to size 5 diapers, first time we ever were able to go down a size in anything for him. He just keeps growing, never stops. I try not to get frustrated with the potty training, but sometimes its hard for me not too. I know they say boys you shouldn't try till they are 3 so I shouldn't be worried. He knows the potty and that you pee & poop in it, but you take his pants off and you think the world is going to end. I have tried the snacks, he has went in the bathroom with Allie, he goes in with daddy, we got him big boy undies (oh yes with Hulk) and he knows if he goes on it he will get to wear them (will tell us this periodically) but he is very whatever about not having pants on. So we have put it on hold. Hopefully when it gets warmer out and he will be a little older he will become more interested in it. He will even sit in the potty chair (with pants on) and watch tv or read a book. He tells us what he wants to eat or drink (at the extremely picky stage). Is moving on to different cartoons. Doesn't want to watch Mickey Mouse as much anymore, loves his superheroes (transformers, superhero squad, avengers), dinosaur train, scooby doo (probably favorite-shocked, but it doesn't scare him) and the old cartoons (flinestones, yogi bear, huckleberry hound). Knows his colors, can count to 3 and can say the numbers up to 10 but not in order. Loves to sing and dance. The part I do not like right now is he is going through the mouthy stage. He was doing better but the last few days has been bad again. Will "read books", the ones he knows by heart he will rattle them off. Its so cool to hear him now because he can say so much and understands almost everything. Knows his body parts. Only waiting on one more 2 yr molar so glad. These molars were by far the worst for him. Took them forever to come in and it was so painful for him. I have been noticing that naps are getting closer to not happening with him. I only allow him to sleep about an hour or he does not want to go to bed. Doing totally awesome in his big boy bed still. Will stay in it under the covers til you come get him.

Update on Lucas:
Silly SILLY boy! Thats all I can say. Completely different from Keldan, crazy how that can be. Not afraid of anything and hurting himself does not teach him anything, he will turn around and do it again. He can get off furniture, for the most part, and we are working on getting on the couch. Somewhat listens...have to get really stern with him. I am convinced that he is so bad he can't help it (my aunt used to say that about my cousin & I understand what she means). Hes in 18 month clothes, 24 month pjs, size 4 shoes, size 4 diapers. He is nicknamed chubbers (Keldan has even called him this). He LOVES his food, will eat almost anything even the dog food (don't quite understand that one). He has the biggest marshmallows (thighs) I just love them. Crazy how much he is talking, and yes I mean talking. First phrase was "what's that". He says "I did it", "i wuv you", "like it", huh (when he doesn't know what you said), broher (brother-keldan), buhbye, peekoo (peekaboo), pupu (puppy), papa, mama, dada, osie (Josie), football, ball, bed, nap, bubbles, pop pop pop, hot dog, open, juice, batman, up, down, thats all I can think of at the moment. He repeats quite a bit of what we say or if I'm teaching something I will say it about 3 times then he will say it. Only have to show him once how to do something and then he can do it, mr smartie pants thats for sure! Will shake his head for no and nod it for yes. Has 8 teeth now. 6 (on top) came in within a about fun teething 1 year old. He had both viral bug things that are going around. The first one we went to doctors because he got a really bad diaper rash. Then 2 weeks later he had a fever again, tylenol and other home treatments were not helping. He then started throwing up so I ended up taking him to ER. After 4.5 hrs, an Xray and a catscan, we were sent home with vomiting medicine, instructions to do the mylicon (gas drops) and motrin around the clock for couple days. He soon was back to normal. So thankful Keldan did not get it, but I'm sure I definitely had the second one. I had an extremely bad 2 days that week, but luckily my husband was able to stay home the one day and take care of the boys. But anways back to Lucas...He still takes the binkie at bed/nap time. The other day I tried taking him off it for nap and it was so bad I decided to wait til the weather is nicer. I'm just glad he doesn't take it during the day. Loves to read, he sits in the bean bag & Keldan will sit in his chair and they will just read books, I love it. Also into anything with music. He loves to play the guitar. And loves to dance. Loves Mickey Mouse and the hot dog dance.

Ok so I think thats about it for us...well that I can think of at the moment. They seem to grow and change every other day. Hope I didn't bore anyone too much :) I just love being a mama to these boys. Even though they are starting to act like brothers, I still love them more than words can say. Crazy how different they are and my love is the same with them. God is so awesome!

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