Friday, December 31, 2010

12 Months

Happy 12 months Lucas! So amazing how much those little chubbers & marshmallows melt my heart! I can't believe he is 1 year & Keldan is 2.5 yrs. Just a quick update on Lucas...

*25lbs; 31in long

*Completely off bottles :) In a way I'm so excited and then in another I'm not because its just another reminder he is no longer a baby.

*Eats everything & anything! Loves food.

*Walking everywhere, getting better at the running thing. Loves to be chased. Stands up really good without holding on to anything, can squat and stand back up. 

*Tackling more of the climbing. Can climb on kid chairs, has learned to push toys close to couch or table and climb on that to get up (he's no dumby thats for sure!)

*Only have to show him things once and he knows what to do.

*I saying quite a few words now. He often will repeat something Keldan says, but then he won't say it again so I'm not sure if I can say those words are in his vocabulary yet. Definitely says dada, mama, baba (bottle- if he sees a pic of one he will say it), puppy, bubye (and waves), al do (all done), uhoh, papa, ball, aha. He has learned to smack his lips if he wants more, point and say ehh if he wants something, makes car noise, and says huh if you ask him something. 

*Gets very proud of himself if he does something. Loves to show you what hes playing with.

*Extremely ornery. Listens fairly well now, but when that silly streak hits him, he will stare at me, while slowly doing something he knows he shouldn't (sometimes hard not to laugh at that).

*Torments Keldan! They get along so well, love to play with each other. Sometimes he likes to take Keldan's car or something that he is playing with and will laugh (so ornery!)

*His absolute favorite thing is dancing & music. Loves to play the guitar & hit things like drums. 


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lucas! Can't believe you are ONE already!!!!! WOW!!!!! You are a cutie pie and so smart!!!
Auntie D and Krunkle R

Happy Birthday cousin Lucas! Love you! Allie

Zach + Michelle said...

Great updates! Can't believe you have 2 kids, and none of them are babies anymore! :)