Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bath Time

Keldan's first bath did not go like I thought it would. He cried and cried. Joe helped me, don't think I could of done it myself. It was new to both of us. We some how accomplished it!
He doesn't know what's about to happen!

Joe filling up the tub.

Already not happy!

He loved his towel though.

The baths are much better now, he doesn't cry usually. We figured out that afternoons are the best time right after his bottle. His first bath was definitely an adventure!


Stacy said...

he looks so cuddly all wrapped up in his towel. :-)

Anonymous said...

You're going to town on all the updates... you go girl! :)
I'm impressed!
He DOES look all snuggly in the towel.
Glad they are getting easier- it would be miserable for everyone if he still didn't like them.