Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Resurrection Egg #2

Day 2: Little a egg
John 19:17-18

Cross: Jesus died on the cross.

The Three

I know I have a ton of pictures of these the beginning I would ask them to please smile for a picture of them together, now most of the pictures of the three are because they ask me to take pictures of them ;) and of course I'm not about to tell them no ;) My camera started to have issues after being used at the beach last summer so sometimes by the time I get it to take they are not all smiling so its nice to have a ton ;)

Mikaela is very protective of her space, and these two boys have entered it..

Then she realized maybe this isn't too bad.

I am just in love with this one!! They all three have natural smiles, not the mama told me to smile ;)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Resurrection Eggs

It's Easter time and of course I let my kids enjoy the commercial part of Easter but I also want them to know the real reason. Last year I did the 12 eggs, they enjoyed doing it every day but I felt it was almost too much in a short time for their little minds. So when I stumbled across the preschool version I was so excited!! It's only 6 days. Since there are 6 letters in Easter I put a letter on each egg so they learn how to spell Easter too. I also did two sets :)

The boys with the basket of eggs.

Day 1: Big E egg
Luke 22:14-15

Crackers: Jesus ate dinner with them.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter 2013

Just some fun pictures of the kids playing with Easter eggs in their Easter outfits.

This girl LOVES to pick her toes. After a few pictures she realized she had no socks which meant free picking ;)




and there she goes again...




The boys were trying to get her to smile, she was not very impressed with their silly faces :)