Saturday, September 29, 2012

Preschool: September

Couple pictures of what he did at preschool this month..

His made this folder at school for all the crafts he makes.
 Didn't have a show & tell for the letter A because we were on vacation (he knows it good so I wasn't worried).
Show & Tell: BHis boat

Show & Tell: Favorite Farm Animal (didn't get a picture)
He took Blacky, his horse

First Field Trip: a Farm
So cool, I got to go along :)

Baby cow that was born the night before. They had one that was born that morning too. It was so wobbly when it tried to stand.

The lady in the green is his teacher and the other lady with the backpack is the assistant. They are so nice & good with the kids!!

Keldan's preschool class :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Back to Ohio

We all stopped at Bob Evans Saturday morning before traveling to our hotel.

Where's Lucas?!

He asked me to take a picture of him & his twizzler :)

Made it to the hotel..

Lucky boys got a cookie for an evening snack :)

We hung out in Grammie & Gramp's room before going to bed..she kept putting her sippy cup into the plastic cup then would take it out and get mad ;) We finally had to take the cup away!

And home we go!

Daddy got tired of driving so pluto took over for a little :)

She loves to draw on this...and by the looks is going to be a leftie ;)

His pluto was on his lap but that was in the way of coloring so of course had to put it behind his head ;)

Then headed to "chips" for yummy lunch, was not in the mood to cook.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Family Pictures

 Took full advantage when everyone was dressed up so took several family pictures :) Shocked that we got several good ones beings we have a 2 year old and 1 year old (Keldan does good for pics now usually).
*Original & Edited*

Absolutely LOVE this one!! Thank you Grammie!!

Spur of the moment one..actually not too bad, except Keldan looking at the waves :)

Then he wanted to run in it..silly boy

They would not all hold hands at the same time...still came out good.

Love my boys!!

Lucas would not look at the camera..

Big Family Picture

Gramps & Grammie

Uncle Jason, Aunt Stacy, Alex, Kalea & Michael