Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Four Months!

Miss Mikaela turned 4 months a few weeks ago (I know I'm behind). 

*12 lbs..yes that's all. She's below 25% in her weight. She was sick so the doctor said more might have been coming out than going in, or she had a huge growth spurt and her weight didn't catch up, or she is just going to be thinner. Just so weird to see that because Keldan was over 17 lbs at this age and Lucas was 15 lbs. 
*almost 25.5 inches. 75%
*3 months and 3-6 month clothes.
*6 oz every 3 hours during day. Tried rice...didn't go so well. The week before she turned 4 months we started with peas, she did very well with those.
*Loves her hands, feet, and toes.
*She's laughing and talking more.
*Reaching for toys & mama :) More like she grabs my hands but you can tell :)
*Loves to watch her brothers! She keeps getting more and more excited to see them.

And on to some pictures...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Video of our 2011. I had such a hard time narrowing pictures down to fit on here. We celebrated two- third birthdays (Keldan & cousin Allie), two- second birthdays (Lucas & cousin Alex), two- first birthdays (cousin Kalea & cousin baby Zack), 2 new babies (Mikaela & cousin Michael), vacation to Myrtle Beach, and had some fun :) Since the boys favorite music right now is Veggie Tales I decided to add it to the video. 
Enjoy :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

2 Birthdays

(I know I've been slacking..been a long few weeks.) 
Gramps and Grammie were taking Uncle Jason to eat for his birthday (same birth date as Lucas) at Steak on a Stone. Mama, Daddy, Uncle Ryan, and Aunt Danielle decided to go too (was a surprise to him & Aunt Stacy) so we went over to Meemaw & Papas (2nd part of post).

Happy Birthday Uncle Jason! We love you!
Fun appetizer!
 These pictures look empty.... (was fun without the kids though, able to have conversations without interruptions)

Steak comes out raw then you cook it on the VERY hot stone.
 While Mama & Daddy were eating we had fun at Meemaw & Papas. Lucas opened his birthday gift from them. A barn to go with the stable, its so cool! Then we had some yummy ice cream :)

Really like that the top opens up, easier to play inside.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Mikaela hit the 3-3-3 mark (3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days). Daddy's family has a tradition (as I explained with the boys) they wear a certain outfit on 3-3-3. I got to use the dress this time :)
Here's a few of the many I took ;)

Keldan's 3-3-3

Lucas' 3-3-3
Daddy's 3-3-3

Happy Birthday Jesus

Realized I forgot this post :) After talking about Jesus' birthday, I asked Keldan what we should make for Jesus' birthday party and his response was puppy chow :) (I thank grammie for this ;)) His favorite thing to make, and he knows exactly what goes in it without me telling him. We then sang happy birthday (video below pictures).

Here & There

Random pictures from past couple weeks.

First Christmas Stuffed animals from Meemaw & Papa:
Keldan- Penguin, Lucas- Snowman, Mikaela- Snowgirl

In their pjs from Gramps & Grammie

MY LOVES!!!!!!!