Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy 5 Months

Lucas also turned 5 months on Saturday! *26 1/4 in *16.6 lbs *6 oz bottle every 3 hrs. Ate green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and peaches so far. *Takes 3-4 one hour naps, goes 9pm to 9am without bottle still. Sleeps on his own. *Moving into 6-9 month clothes. *Size 2 diapers. *Rolls across floor. *Loves his toes. Holds onto them and eats them. *Holds his bottle very good. *Laughing a lot. Very ticklish. Keldan and Josie make him laugh too! *Adores his big brother! *Very good at doing raspberries, especially when hes eating solids. Have to make sure we have a towel near by! *Likes to watch Josie. *Gets the biggest eyes when he gets excited or is unsure of something. *Still on zantac for acid reflux. On polyflouride vitamins and I've started the pro-biotic. *He is ready to move. Tries to pull himself across floor with his forearms and to sit up when he's laying down. Gets really frustrated when he can't do something.

Thats all I can think of thats going on with the little guy. Overall happy boy! Starting to become a silly boy too!

The Big 2

Keldan turned 2 Saturday...yes 2. He had a busy day. Started day with a bowl of fruity cheerios, brother had his yummy bottle and rice cereal, then we opened gifts from mama and daddy. He really got into opening his gifts this year. Was so much fun to see his face light up when he could see what was in each one. After he played with his new cars awhile it was time to get ready for a wedding (another post). Then spent the evening playing cars, favorite thing to do!

*3 ft tall! *32 lbs (finally lost a little weight) * 3T and 4T clothing *Size 8 shoes *Size 6 diapers *At a year we only allowed him to have binkie at nap/bed time, but he is now completely off it! *Started doing a little potty training, was doing very well then became scared or something of it so we are taking a break. Try again in a month. *Able to carry small conversations with him. Usually can understand most of it. Loves to babble and tell stories and not a word makes sense :) *Can tell us what he wants to eat. *Loves to help out around the house. If milk spills out of cup he says mess mess, gets a rag and cleans it up. *Says a lot of words but my favorites: was saying motorcyc but decided it was easier to say morsh (motorcycle), mess, get out mama/daddy/josie, come back, hey, big cars (truck), apples (all fruit-knows how to say the different fruit but its much easier to just say apples). *Lets me know when Lucas' bottle is warm and likes to help feed him. *Just in love with Lucas. He hugs him all the time and tickles him. * Imitates us and whatever is on TV. *Dances and sings along to songs. *It's been hard to teach him things, he is way more interested in toys than learning. He will say new things once then its like ok, I did it, don't have to do it again. *Loves to read. *Favorite toys cars and balls. *Absolutely social boy. Is not shy around anyone! Loves to play with other kids no matter what age. *Just plain old silly and he knows it. Always making us laugh.

So much more going on with this boy but it would take up too much time to put on here and I'm sure you would get bored! He's definitely not a baby/infant anymore. Still surprises me when he says his 3 and 4 word sentences and lets me know what he wants.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Playing Guitar

Keldan loves to play daddy's guitar. Starting him out young :)

Video of them playing:

Fun Fun!

These boys are so much fun!

Keldan loves his little booster seat.

First chicken leg...yummy!

Looking at a car book. I think he looks like a little old man :)