Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy 10 and 11 Months

10 Month

11 Month

Sorry, Its been almost 3 months since I posted last. Just haven't taken the time to update. Wow, how much has changed in the past few months. Getting ready to plan his first birthday, hard to get used to him being almost one!
Just a summary of the last couple months:
* Took first step... actually 5 steps.
* Is walking better. When hes feeling brave will let go of furniture and turn around and walk to another room.
* Starting to try to run, chase Josie.
* Eating big boy food. Whatever I make for lunch/supper he eats some. Not big fan of meat yet.
* Says mama, dada (sometimes daddy), pupu (puppy), ff (woof), ball, bat, baba (bottle)
* Can do patty cake on his own.
* Claps his hands when music is on.
* Loves to sing and dance.
* He mimics things that we do. He has the box that the shapes go in, I show him once what to do and then he does it. Getting better at matching the shapes.
* Throwing technique is getting better.
* Loves to play with Josie, they chase each other around the house and play rope.
* Loves to get dirty. Play in the grass. Gets mad when we go back in.
* Knows when we are warming up bottle or getting food ready. Thinks he should eat if we are.
* First tooth came in then two days later 2nd one came. (both bottoms)
* Sleeps 10 pm to 8 or 9 am.
* Usually takes one nap at noon for 3 hrs, sometimes an hr in the morn and an hr before daddy gets home.
* Gets all excited when Daddy gets home from work. When he pulls in, I tell him daddys home and he runs to the door and screams.
* Learning no, sometimes :) Does pretty good, occasionally he throws a tantrom.
* Size 5 diapers, 12-18 mth seperates, 24 mth onesies, 4 shoes
* Tickles himself :)
* Big dare-devil!!
* Claps his hands if he did something good.
* Loves for you to chase him.

Thats all I can think of for now.