Saturday, October 24, 2009


Quick update. Not sure what date exactly he start saying certain words and doing things, but what he has been up to over summer.
*Words: Mama, dada, josie, papa, pupu (puppy), ball, football, uhoh, i don't know, buhbye, bubble, door, wall, allie, eeyore, cheerio, bed, bath, moo (cow), woof, boy, oh, car, vroom (all I can think of right now).
*Walking, running, climb up on furniture, climb off of furniture, climb up stairs.
*Understands "take this to mama/dada", yucky, diaper change (hates it), go to bed/nap, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, milk/juice/water.
*Only has binky at bedtime (knows it), attatched to eeyore.
*Really getting into cartoons and tv. Loves football, if there is a game on tv will say football.
*24 mth clothes, 6 shoes, 3-5 yr socks
*Knows eyes, nose, mouth, ears, cheeks, belly button, and where mama's baby is.
*Does the clap for here we go brownies, here we go (claps twice).
*Fist bump, high five, put his arms up if we say touchdown, waves
*Doesn't like it when people leave or he has to leave
*Has 10 teeth, working on eye teeth right now, fun fun. Loves his teeth brushed.
*Loves bath, screams when he has to get out.
*Knows to stay away from hot.
*Using fork and spoon fairly well.
*Loves to read books, he pretends hes reading too (very cute).
I'm just amazed at how much he has changed over couple months. Can carry some conversations with him, other times not quite sure what hes saying. Understands so much. I'm sure he has done more, just can't think of it right now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Outerbanks Vacation II

Random pictures of our week:

(had around 800 just from my camera-thought I'd share a few)

Cousin Allie

Keldan loved the pool this year. We just went out to the ocean to put our feet in, he seem to like it though.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Outerbanks Vacation I

Before we left.
On the road.

We stayed at a hotel Friday night. My friends Zach and Michelle came to visit us in the morning and brought us bagels from Panera Bread. YUMMY!!