*He's starting to sit much better on his own with a straight back.
*Eating solid food with a spoon. Rice for lunch and veggies for supper. His favorite is sweet potatoes. He wakes up around 8 or so, has a bottle at 9. Rice at noon, bottle (snack) at 3, veggies at 6, and another bottle at 9. We usually go to bed at 10. He knows that its bed time now. He sleeps all night.
*Still on reflux medicine.
*Has been getting up on his hands and knees a little and wants to go.
*Has rolled over a couple times from belly to back.
*Can roll back to belly.
*He loves to hold rattles and shake them. Can grab things and reach for you. He also is a
huge 27 inches and 19 pounds!*
**Please be praying Keldan goes to a specialist on Friday to have some tests done. I'm not going to go into details about it, he's ok and theres nothing to worry about. Just would like some prayers, it will probably be harder for me than for Keldan. I don't like to see him getting test done and going to the doctor. **